de Vilna. 1845-1875
Album widokow historycznych
Polski. 1873-1883
Icones familiae ducalis
Radvilianae. 1875
Muzeum Archeologiczne
w Wilnie. 1858-1860
Vestigia delle Terme di
Tito e loro interne pitture. 1776

Individual works Bachmatowicz K.
Recollections of Vilnius. 1837
Balcewicz P.W. St.
Casimir. 1749
Kissling G. Flora. 1827
Kissling G. Cards.
According to J. Rustemas. 1814-1815
Peszka J. Images of
Vilnius. 1797-1808 *
Ozieblowski J. The Gates of
Dawn in Vilnius. 1835
Rossi P. The Cathedral. 1796
Smokowski W. The tree-feller.
Mid. - XIXth C.
Tarasewicz L. Et ego quo
ibo. XVIIth C.
Ziarnko J. Les
peintures sacrees... XVIIth C. |