Dissemination of Citizens’ Science at Vilnius University
The exact title of the project: Dissemination of Citizens’ Science at Vilnius University: Enhancement of Specialists’ Competences and Improvement of Quality of Services Provided for Researchers
Objective of the project: encourage implementation of Citizens’ Science policy at Vilnius University and outside it, enhance competences of specialists administering implementation of Citizens’ Science policy by preparing efficient tools for Citizens’ Science topic, as well as in adhering to the principles of Citizens’ Science, expand the scope of the Library’s services for research support and improve their quality.
Outcome: 2 programmes will be drawn up: the first teaching programme will be intended for VU academic community, i. e. “The Practice of Applying Citizens’ Science Methods for Research”. The programme will consist of the following parts: introduction to the principles and practices of Citizens’ Science, success stories (best practices) and possibilities to apply Citizens’ Science. Later on, based on this teaching programme, a teaching programme intended for the public will be developed. In addition to that, a tool for the engagement of the public (citizens) will be drawn up.
Implementation period: from 20 May 2024 to 30 November 2025.
Financing: The total value of the project: EUR 56,990. Funds allocated by the EU.
Head of the project: Dr. Gitana Naudužienė
Contacts: Dr. Gitana Naudužienė, phone: (+370 5) 219 5059, email: gitana.nauduziene@mb.vu.lt
The Basilians of the Lithuanian Province between the years of 1617 to 1839
The exact title of the project: Bazylianie prowincji Litewskiej w latach 1617–1839 (The Basilians of the Lithuanian Province between the years of 1617 to 1839)
Objective of the project: to carry out the research of the Basilians (OSBM) in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from the establishment of the Lithuanian Province to its suppression in the territories under the Russian rule in 1839.
Outcome: while undertaking the project, to establish the development of the Basilian institutions’ network; to recreate the milieu of both the founders of the Basilians and the Basilians themselves, including the investigation and establishment of the monks’ birth places and social origins, their education and further religious career; in various aspects to recreate the activities of this religious order in the fields of pastoral care and education.
Implementation period: from 7 July 2021 to 6 July 2025
Financing: The project has received funding from the National Science Centre, Poland (Narodowe Centrum Nauki, NCN), agreement No. 2020/39/B/HS3/01232
Head of the project: Dr hab. Dorota Wereda, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities
Representative of the project at Vilnius University Library: Dr Ina Kažuro
Contacts: Dr Ina Kažuro, phone: +370 5 268 72 00, email: ina.kazuro@mb.vu.lt
Project website: “Projekt “Bazylianie prowincji Litewskiej w latach 1617-1839"