Andrej Vorona
Studies and Research Support Division
Scholarly Communication and Information Centre
Saulėtekis Av. 5 (block B, 3rd floor, Room 303)
Tel.: +370 5 219 5065
Contact us via MS Teams
Subject collection:
Asian and Transcultural Studies: Oriental Studies Reading Room, Philosophy Reading Room, Reading Room of Alfred Binder
Philosophy: Philosophy Reading Room, Communication Reading Room, Lithuanian Studies Reading Room, Oriental Studies Reading Room, History Reading Room
Databases of e-journals
Multi-disciplinary database of scholarly journals.
EBSCO Database Package - Provides access to a variety of collections:
- Academic Search Ultimate – a multidisciplinary database of scholarly journals.
- MasterFILE Premier (EBSCO) – A database that contains full text publications covering a wide range of subject areas.
- ERIC (EBSCO) – authoritative database of indexed and full-text education literature and resources.
- Education Source (EBSCO) – the collection contains full-text articles on educology.
- Central & Eastern European Academic Source – multidisciplinary and multilingual database of scholarly journals published in central and eastern European countries.
- SocINDEX with Full Text (EBSCO) – database of sociological sciences.
- PsycARTICLES (EBSCO) – database of articles from the American Psychological Association and related journals.
- PsycINFO (EBSCO) – database contains peer-reviewed literature in the fields of behavioral science and mental health.
Scientific journals on medicine, life sciences, scientific research.
A multidisciplinary archive of scholarly full text journals.
A multidisciplinary database of scholarly journals published by Oxford University Press.
A multidisciplinary database of scholarly journals.
A multidisciplinary database that contains full-text scholarly journals published by Springer Verlag and Kluwer Academic Press.
A multidisciplinary database of scholarly journals.
A multidisciplinary database of scholarly journals.
Emerald eJournals Premier Collection
A multidisciplinary database of scholarly journals.
European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice (Brill Journals)
Journal covers crime and criminal justice topics in Europe.
Databases of e-books
Academic Complete Collection on Proquest Ebook Central
A multidisciplinary database of e-book.
eBooks on Cambridge Core (Cambridge University Press)
A multidisciplinary database that contains e-books published by Cambridge University Press and their partners.
A multidisplinary database that contains e-books published by Oxford University Press.
EBSCO eBook Academic Collection
Multidisciplinary ebook collection.
Full text el. books.
A multidisciplinary database of e-books.
A database containing e-books in the fields of humanities, international law and biology.
Ebooks from various fields of science.
Abstract and citation database in all fields of science.
Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics)
Citation database in all fields of science.
Full text universal database.
Useful links
History of Philosophy without any gaps
The website is designed to provide an overview of the main philosophers, as well as the ideas, lives and historical context of lesser-known philosophers and thinkers.
The Eurydice network primarily focuses on the way education in Europe is structured and organised at all levels.