Printing and copying
You can print your documents from any stationary computer and multifunctional device of the Library. If you want to print a black and white document, choose the option Nespalvotai / Monochrome; if you wish to print a color document, choose Spalvotai / Color. Multifunctional devices offer a wide range of options such as black and white or color copying and printing, as well as printing from a USB drive.
As the services are not free of charge, users are expected to fill their accounts with copying credit, minimal amount - 20 ct. Fill your virtual account at the Medicine and Geosciences Reading Room, Kaunas Faculty Reading Room, the Information Desk of the SCIC, Central Library’s Information Desk or Šiauliai Academy Information Centre (ŠAIC) Information Desk
Log in to the multifunctional devices using your e-identity info: number of the user card and password.
If you log in to your account at, you can check your account balance, history of recent print jobs, generate an ID number or administrate other functions of the printing service. For more information please see the instructions:
Instruction (PDF): here
Instruction (video): here
- A4 black and white – 0,04 €
- A4 colour – 0,65 €
- A3 black and white – 0,08 €
- A3 colour – 1,30 €
Multifunctional devices of the Central Library are located in the Copy Room. Multifunctional devices of the SCIC can be found in the Leisure, Technology, Communication, Law, Economics and Business reading rooms. One of the multifunctional devices can also be found in the Medicine and Geosciences Reading Room and Kaunas Faculty Reading Room. Multifunctional devices of the ŠAIC are located in the Universal, Periodicals and Arts reading rooms.
Copying of rare, unique documents of the 19th century
- A4 black and white – 0,25 €
- A4 colour – 0,45 €
- A3 black and white – 0,90 €
- A3 colour – 1,50 €
Doctoral dissertations:
- Defended before the year 1992 A4 – 0,25 €
- Defended from 1993 to 2011 A4 – 0,05 €
Scanning, photographing and binding
Nearly every reading room at the Central Library and SCIC has scanners which can be used free of charge.
You are also welcome to use quick scanning of the multifunctional devices. Scanning of one page (colour or black/white) costs 0,01 €.
Copy rooms located in the Economics and Bussiness Reading Rooms at the SCIC are equipped with copy stands, where you can fix a photo camera or your mobile phone and make digital copies of documents. These services (scanning with scanners and using of copy stands) are free of charge.
Copy room at the Central Library as well as Law Reading Room at the SCIC provide free of charge possibility to bind documents and papers using a spiral coil binding machine. Users only have to buy the right size spiral.
Digitizing at the Central Library special collections departments (Rare Book Department, Manuscript Department, Department of Prints and Drawings) is allowed only with the permission of the librarian. Orders will be carried out in 3 days.
Prices per image (including image correction):
- For formats smaller than or equal to A3:
- for images with ≤ 300 dpi – €6.00
- for images with ≤ 600 dpi – €8.00
- For formats larger than A3:
- for images with ≤ 300 dpi – €8.00
- for images with ≤ 600 dpi – €11.00
Law on copyright and related rights
Please remember that the Law on Copyright and Related Rights allows to reproduce an article or short work, or a small part of work exclusively for your individual use.
Article 20. Reproduction of Works for Personal Use
- It shall be permitted for a natural person, without the authorisation of the author or any other owner of copyright, to reproduce, exclusively for his individual use, not for direct or indirect commercial advantage, in a single copy a work published or communicated to the public in any other mode, where the reproduction is a single-action. When works are for the private use reproduced on paper by means of reprography (effected by the use of any kind of photographic technique or some other process having similar effects), the provisions of Article 23 of this Law shall apply.
Article 23. Reprographic Reproduction of Works
- Without the authorisation of the author or other owner of copyright in a work, it shall be permissible to reproduce on paper the following by means of reprography (effected by the use of any kind of photographic technique or by some other process having similar effects):
1) a published article or any other short work, or a short extract of a writing, with or without illustrations, not for direct or indirect commercial advantage, provided that such reproduction is a separate single act. Repeated acts of such reproduction shall be permissible if they are done on unrelated occasions.