
The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is a European federation of digital research infrastructures that has been in development since 2015. Joining EOSC is optional, and each member infrastructure can function independently, as long as they abide with EOSC's Rules of Participation. Current EOSC members range from large-scale European projects and international consortia to individual publicly funded or commercial projects.

One of the main aims of EOSC is to federate existing research data infrastructures in Europe thus providing the European research and innovation community with digital tools enabling proper research data management and the implementation of the FAIR Data Principles.

The EOSC Resource Hub acts as the entry point to the services and resources offered by EOSC member infrastructures.

EOSC is governed according to a tripartite model: The EU is represented by the European Commission, the European research community is represented by the EOSC Association, and the EU countries and countries associated with Horizon Europe are represented through a Steering Board composed from 1-2 experts from each country.

The development of EOSC is a cooperation of multiple European projects each contributing to a different aspect of the European Open Science Cloud. All in all, there have been more than 50 such projects since 2015. It is expected that EOSC will be fully functional and widely used by 2027.

Need some advice?

Questions on topics related to research data management can be directed to Dr Gintė Medzvieckaitė from the Scientific Information and Data Division.

Scholarly Communication and Information Centre
Saulėtekio al. 5 (Block B, 4th floor, Room 403)
Phone: +370 5 219 5062
Contact via MS Teams

The Scientific Information and Data Division also offers training events on topics related to Open Science and research data management. Please contact the Head of Scientific Information and Data Division Gitana Naudužienė if you would like to request a training activity in English (a group of 5 or more attendees is required).

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