Andrej Vorona
Studies and Research Support Division
Scholarly Communication and Information Centre
Saulėtekis Av. 5 (block B, 3rd floor, Room 303)
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Subject collection: Chemistry Reading Room and Geosciences Reading Room
Institute of Chemistry
Academic Search Ultimate (EBSCO)
Journals of various scientific fields.
Scientific journals in chemistry published by the American Chemical Society (ACS).
Full-text journals of various scientific fields.
Journals and other documents of various scientific fields.
Scientific journals covering various fields of science and technology.
Content from the most recent issues of the current year and all publications from the previous four years are available.
Oxford University Press publishes journals in various scientific fields.
Journals of various scientific fields.
Science Direct: Freedom Collection
Full-text journals of various scientific fields.
The database contains full-text scientific journals in various fields from Springer Verlag and Kluwer Academic Press.
Database providing access to journals in various scientific fields.
Journals of various scientific fields.
E-books databases
Academic Complete Collection on Proquest Ebook Central
Database of e-books on topics of various scientific fields.
The collection consists of e-books published by Cambridge University Press and their partners on a wide range of topics.
Full text e-books.
Subscribed ebook collection: Chemistry & Material Science.
Oxford University Press e-book collection. Subjects: Humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, medicine and law.
ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering
A subscription journal in the field of chemistry and chemical engineering.
An open access multidisciplinary scientific journal published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
Open Access resources
Open Access Crystallographic Database.
Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)
An open-access repository of peer-reviewed full-text scientific books in various fields.
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
Atvirosios prieigos talpykla, kurioje prieinami įvairių sričių recenzuoti moksliniai žurnalai.
A platform where you can find open access scientific articles and other documents in various fields.
An open access tool that provides information on over 100 million chemical structures, their properties, and other related data.
An open access tool that provides information about substances' chemical structures, identifiers, chemical and physical properties, biological activity, toxicity, patents and other information.
A university-subscribed tool that offers a search for experimentally validated data on chemical reactions and materials with synthesis planning and chemical resources.
Lietuvos Respublikos patentų duomenų bazė
The database where you will find all Lithuanian patents issued under the Patent Law of the Republic of Lithuania since 2011. descriptions.
Lietuvoje įsigaliojusių Europos patentų duomenų bazė
A database where you will find data on European patents that have been extended and entered into force in Lithuania, as well as changes to their data and legal status.
A database of patent documents from around the world, containing patent applications, bibliographic data of patents and their descriptions. Lithuanian patents issued since 1998 are also available. January 26.
A US patent database that lists all patents issued since 1790.
Global patent database, where you can find patent documents from 25 countries around the world.
Institute of Geosciences
Full-text geoscience journal collection and GeoRef index.
Scientific journals covering various fields of science and technology.
Content from the most recent issues of the current year and all publications from the previous four years are available.
Science Direct: Freedom Collection
Full-text journals of various scientific fields.
Academic Search Ultimate (EBSCO)
Journals of various scientific fields.
Full-text journals of various scientific fields.
Journals and other documents of various scientific fields.
Oxford University Press publishes journals in various scientific fields.
The database contains full-text scientific journals in various fields from Springer Verlag and Kluwer Academic Press.
Database providing access to journals in various scientific fields.
Journals of various scientific fields.
Journals of various scientific fields.
A journal archive of full-text articles from various scientific and artistic disciplines.
E-books databases
Academic Complete Collection on Proquest Ebook Central
Database of e-books on topics of various scientific fields.
Full text e-books.
The collection consists of e-books published by Cambridge University Press and their partners on a wide range of topics.
Įvairių mokslo sričių elektroninės knygos.
Oxford University Press leidyklos elektroninių knygų kolekcija. Tematika: humanitariniai, socialiniai, gamtos mokslai, medicina ir teisė.
Purchased e-books in various fields of science.
Open access databases
Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)
An open-access repository of peer-reviewed full-text scientific books in various fields.
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
An open access repository of peer-reviewed scientific journals in a variety of fields.
A platform where you can find open access scientific articles and other documents in various fields.
Aplinkos tyrimai, inžinerija ir vadyba
An open access scientific journal published by the Kaunas University of Technology, which publishes articles on the topics of environmental studies, engineering, management, energy, agriculture and biology, and social sciences.
An open-access scientific journal published by the Nature Research Center, which publishes research dealing with geological issues in the Baltic States.
Demografija visiems: informacinis biuletenis
An open access publication published by Vytautas the Great University, presenting research in the field of demography.
An open access journal published by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, which publishes research in the fields of geodesy, cartography, geoinformation systems, geosciences, land management and environmental sciences.
The periodical scientific publication of the Lithuanian Geographic Society, the Nature Research Center and the Lithuanian Social Research Center, which publishes research on the topic of Lithuanian and world geography.
An open access journal published by the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, which publishes scientific articles on geology and geography.
An open access publication published by the Lithuanian Association of Geologists, which publishes the current affairs of geological science.
An open access multidisciplinary scientific journal published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
The Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management
An open access journal published by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, which publishes research on environmental sciences and sustainability.