Urtė Milkintaitė
Studies and Research Support Division
Central Library
Universiteto str. 3 (Professor Jurgis Lebedys Room, Room 335)
Tel.: +370 5 268 7130
Contacts: urte.milkintaite@mb.vu.lt
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Subject collection: Communication Reading Room.
EBSCO databases:
Academic Search Ultimate (EBSCO) – multi-disciplinary database of scholarly journals.
Business Source Ultimate (EBSCO) – business source database.
Newspaper Source (EBSCO) – articles from USA and other countries newspapers.
Central & Eastern European Academic Source (EBSCO) – multi-disciplinary journals from Central and Eastern Europe.
Humanities International Complete (EBSCO) – scientific journals in all fields of humanities.
Emerald eJournals Premier Collection
multi-disciplinary database of scholarly journals.
multi-disciplinary database of Cambridge university press scholarly journals.
A multidisciplinary database of scholarly journals.
Full text multi-disciplinary archive of scholarly journals. Subscribed collections: Arts & Sciences I; Arts & Sciences II; Arts & Sciences III; Arts & Sciences IV, Arts & Sciences V.
SAGE Journals Online
Scientific journals in all fields of science.
Springer LINK
The database contains full-text research journals published by Springer Verlag and Kluwer Academic Press on the issues of biomedicine, medicine, life sciences, physics, mathematics, engineering, computing, humanities, social sciences, etc.
Project MUSE Journals
A collection of online journals in the humanities and social sciences.
The database gives online access to journals published by Taylor & Francis and Routledge. Full text journals in fields of humanities, social sciences, medicine, public health, etc. Accessible all online publications issued in the chronological order from the latest issues of current year with a 20 year back life.
Wiley Online Library
Scientific journals in all fields of science.
E-books databases
Academic Complete Collection on Proquest Ebook Central
The database of electronic books in all fields of science. Over 70 000 ebooks. You can both read books acquired by VU Library and place new orders. The instruction for book ordering.
eBook Academic Collection (EBSCO)
The database of electronic books in all fields of science. Over 60 000 ebooks.
Humanities, International Law & Biology database of eBooks.
Over 35 000 ebooks published by Cambridge University Press and their Partners. Cambridge Core spans over 30 subjects across Humanities, Social Sciences and Science, Technology and Medicine.
Full text eBooks collection..
Provides access to the latest and most advanced scientific studies on humanitarian, social, natural, medical and law subjects.
Multi-disciplinary database of ebooks.
A collection of e-books on the topics of economics, marketing, accounting and finance. The access available after creating an account (using a VPN is necessary).
The database of electronic books in all fields of science.
Electronic books of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Press (VGTU Press) ebooks collection.
Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) ebooks collection
Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) ebooks collection, consisting of academic books humanities, social and natural science topics.
Open Access resources
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
A comprehensive directory of Open Access journals, created at Lund University. This service covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals in all subjects and languages.
Access over 806 000 open access research theses from 617 Universities from different European countries.
Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)
DOAB provides academic, peer-reviewed books in Open Access, as submitted by academic publishers, internationally, in many different language. Topics are far-reaching.
Library of Congress Digital Collections
The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world, with millions of books, recordings, photographs, newspapers, maps and manuscripts in its collections. In this database you can various collections available online.
Lithuanian Data Archive for Social Sciences and Humanities (LIDA)
The largest collection of digital data in the social sciences and humanities in Lithuania.
Manuscriptorium aggregates manuscripts, incunabula, early printed books, maps, charters and other types of documents from many institutions across Europe and beyond. The project is coordinated by the National Library of the Czech Republic.
OAPEN is an online library and publication platform that collects open-access books in the humanities and social sciences from throughout Europe.
An authoritative directory of academic open access repositories.
This collection includes Open Access articles from academic and research journals provided by Oxford, all available free of charge.
One of the biggest collections of free downloadable ebooks, created since 1971. Project Gutenberg offers over 57,000 free eBooks. No fee or registration is required.
UNESCO World Heritage Centre publications
A wide range of World Heritage publications, from periodicals to brochures and information kits , books, manuals, reports, and a map of World Heritage sites are available in a variety of languages for adults and young people.
TOP Journals (WoS rating)
Communication (Web of Sciency category – Communication). Information updated 2023 08 10
Nr. |
Title |
Journal Impact Factor |
JIF Quartile |
Accessibility |
1. |
1931-2458 |
11.4 |
Q1 |
Subscribed |
2. |
SCIENCE COMMUNICATION | 1075-5470 | 9.0 | Q1 | Subscribed |
3. |
JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION | 0021-9916 | 7.9 | Q1 | Subscribed |
4. |
POLITICAL COMMUNICATION | 1058-4609 | 7.5 | Q1 |
Subscribed |
5. |
1083-6101 | 7.2 | Q1 |
Subscribed |
6. |
International Journal of Advertising | 0265-0487 | 6.7 | Q1 |
Subscribed |
7. |
0093-6502 | 6.2 | Q1 |
Subscribed |
8. |
JOURNAL OF ADVERTISING | 0091-3367 | 5.7 | Q1 |
Subscribed |
9. |
Comunicar | 1134-3478 | 5.6 | Q1 |
Subscribed |
10. |
TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY | 0308-5961 | 5.6 | Q1 |
Subscribed |
11. |
Digital Journalism | 2167-0811 | 5.4 | Q1 |
Subscribed |
12. |
Social Media + Society | 2056-3051 | 5.2 | Q1 |
Subscribed |
13. |
NEW MEDIA & SOCIETY | 1461-4448 | 5.0 | Q1 |
Subscribed |
14. |
Subscribed |
15. |
Mobile Media & Communication | 2050-1579 | 4.9 | Q1 |
Subscribed |
16. |
Policy and Internet | 1944-2866 | 4.9 | Q1 |
Subscribed |
17. |
International Journal of Press-Politics | 1940-1612 | 4.8 | Q1 |
Subscribed |
18. |
Subscribed |
19. |
MEDIA PSYCHOLOGY | 1521-3269 | 4.2 | Q1 |
Subscribed |
20. |
Information Communication & Society | 1369-118X | 4.2 | Q1 |
Subscribed |
Reference management tools
It‘s a free citation management tool for saving and organizing references.
Useful Links
Europeana Collections provides access to over 50 million digitized items – books, music, artworks and more.
Global True Lithuania (Encyclopedia of Lithuanian Heritage Worldwide)
Website is dedicated to the Lithuanian sites and heritage worldwide.
Lithuanian Integral Museum Information System (LIMIS)
LIMIS is the Lithuanian Integral Museum Information System that would enable to create common digital content of national cultural heritage by digitizing information about unique and valuable cultural heritage objects, art and literary works, and information about the most significant historical and social phenomena.
Research on humanities and social sciences about the past and present of Lithuanian state, society, culture, nation and language.
Virtual Electronic Heritage System (e-paveldas)
The VEPS portal provides efficient and convenient access to thousands of cultural heritage objects for all who are interested in art, books, newspapers, manuscripts, maps and sound recordings.
WDL (World Digital library)
The World Digital Library (WDL) is a project of the U.S. Library of Congress, carried out with the support of the United Nations Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (UNESCO), and in cooperation with libraries, archives, museums, educational institutions, and international organizations from around the world. The WDL makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from all countries and cultures.
It offers news and analysis on trends in the media industry across the globe, as well as insightful, exclusive interviews with leading executives.
System of Lithuanian official statistics.
Standards approved by the Lithuanian Standardization Department