Povilas Višinskas
Studies and Research Support Division
Scholarly Communication and Information Centre
Saulėtekis Av. 5 (block B, 3rd floor, Room 303)
Tel.: +370 5 219 5065
Contacts: povilas.visinskas@mb.vu.lt
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Subject collection: Philology reading room
Subscribed databases
Databases of e-journals |
Databases of e-books |
Academic Search Ultimate (EBSCO) A multidisciplinary database of scholarly journals. A database that contains full text publications covering a wide range of subject areas. DeGruyter Journals A multidisciplinary archive of scholarly full text journals. A multidisciplinary database of scholarly journals published by Oxford University Press. A multidisciplinary database of scholarly journals. A multidisciplinary database that contains full-text scholarly journals published by Springer Verlag and Kluwer Academic Press. A multidisciplinary database of scholarly journals. A multidisciplinary database of scholarly journals. Project MUSE Journals |
Collection of purchased e-books in the fields of humanities, international law and biology. Academic Complete Collection on Proquest Ebook Central A multidisciplinary database of e-books. A multidisciplinary database that contains e-books published by Cambridge University Press and their partners. A multidisciplinary database of e-books. A multidisciplinary database of purchased e-books. Digital Loeb Classical Library (Harvard University Press)
Open Access databases
Databases of e-journals |
Databases of e-books |
Repositories of research data |
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) A directory of peer-reviewed open access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social science and humanities. eScholarship (University of California, California Digital Library) A repository that contains scholarly journals, working papers, conference proceedings, theses, and paper/seminar series. Lithuanian Academic Electronic Library (eLABa) A database of Lithuanian science and study electronic documents. |
An online library and publication platform that collects open access books in the fields of humanities and social sciences. One of the greatest collections of free downloadable e-books (the world's great literature, philosophical texts with focus on older works for which copyright has expired). Most of them are in English, but also there are many in German, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Finnish, and Chinese. A website that provides access to literary and scholarly e-books, covering a wide variety of topics. Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) A directory of peer-reviewed open access books covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social science and humanities. |
Lithuanian Data Archive for Social Sciences and Humanities (LIDA) An archyve that contains the largest collection of digital empirical data in the fields of social sciences and humanities in Lithuania. A repository of research datasets that allows researchers to find, identify, and cite research datasets.
An international peer-reviewed linguistic journal that publishes research on all core aspects of the Lithuanian language including phonetics and phonology, morphology and syntax, lexis and discourse, semantics and pragmatics.
An international peer-reviewed journal of Baltic linguistics published by Vilnius University Press.
An international peer-reviewed journal published by Vilnius University Press that contains research on Slavic languages and cultures.
A journal published by the Institute of Foreign Languages at Vilnius University that focuses on the studies of Germanic, Roman and Slavic languages as well as on the issues of education.
A journal published by Vilnius University that focuses on research into various aspects of language studies as well as the ones addressing cross-linguistic issues.
A journal published by Šiauliai University from 1993 to 2015 that contains research on ethnolinguistics, text linguistics and poetics.
A scholarly journal of humanitarian sciences,publishing articles in the fields of philology, philosophy, ethnology, history, theology, and theatrical studies.
A journal published by Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences that specialises in the field of humanities, social sciences and cross-disciplinary studies carried out in Lithuania and abroad.
An international peer-reviewed journal published by Vilnius University and Jan Kochanovski University of Humanities and Natural Sciences in Kielce, that includes articles in different research fields of humanities such as linguistic research, issues of literary narratives and contexts, influence of advertising discourse, theory and practice of translation, audiovisual research.
An annual academic journal published by Vilnius University that contains articles covering a wide range of topics concerning translation and interpreting.
A peer-reviewed journal published by Lithuanian Academy of Sciences that contains scholarly articles in the fields of history, archaeology, language, literature and ethnology in Lithuanian and English.
An international journal published by Vilnius University that contains articles on Lithuanian and World literatures as well as studies concerned with the Classics and cultural studies.
A journal of the philosophy of literature in Russian, published by European Humanities University.
Encyclopaedias, dictionaries
A subscribed universal database consisting of electronic versions of Encyclopaedia Britannica, and Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary and Thesaurus.
A dictionary of literary terms in Lithuanian presenting correspondences of the latter in English, French, German and Russian.
Database of the Old Prussian Linguistic Legacy
A database containing descriptions of Old Prussian words in terms of their meaning, etymology, and illustrating their use in the corpus of authentic language.
The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of English
A universal online dictionary of British and American Englishes.
A subscribed historical dictionary of the English language in which a detailed etymological analysis of words illustrated with examples of authentic language of different genres as well as pronunciation is provided.
Online Oxford Collocation Dictionary of English
An online dictionary of English collocations.
An online dictionary of English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Chinese, and Hindi.
A database established by the Department of Translation and Interpretation Studies at Vilnius University. It contains English, German, French, Italian, Russian and Latin terms covering different areas.