Fair data principles were first presented to the public in an article published in the journal Scientific data in 2016. The 4 principles represent qualities that allow to maximise the usability and value of research data.
FAIR principles are acknowledged and supported by many research funding organisations. Compliance with FAIR principles is mandatory in the European Union’s newest research funding programme Horizon Europe.
FAIR is an acronym formed from the English names of the four qualities that the principles describe. FAIR data should be:
Currently, the FAIR principles are promoted and developed by the GO FAIR initiative.
Need some advice?
Questions on topics related to research data management can be directed to Dr Gintė Medzvieckaitė from the Scientific Information and Data Division.
Scholarly Communication and Information Centre
Saulėtekio al. 5 (Block B, 4th floor, Room 403)
Phone: +370 5 219 5062
Email: ginte.medzvieckaite@mb.vu.lt
Contact via MS Teams
The Scientific Information and Data Division also offers training events on topics related to Open Science and research data management. Please contact the Head of Scientific Information and Data Division Gitana Naudužienė if you would like to request a training activity in English (a group of 5 or more attendees is required).