Employees of the Scientific Information and Data Division will give you a consultation on the issues regarding research data management, publication of research outcomes and research assessment:
Open Access
Eglė Juodė
Scholarly Communication and Information Centre
Saulėtekio al. 5 (Block B, 4th floor, Room 403)
Phone: +370 5 219 5062
E-mail: egle.juode@mb.vu.lt
Contact me: MS Teams
Gives consultations on the following topics:
- Identifying the best journals and publishers for the publication of research outcomes
- APC discounts and publishing in open access journals
- Copyright and licencing of research outcomes
- Identifying predatory and unethical publishers or journals
Research Data Management
Dr. Gintė Medzvieckaitė
Scholarly Communication and Information Centre
Saulėtekio al. 5 (Block B, 4th floor, Room 403)
Phone: +370 5 219 5062
Email: ginte.medzvieckaite@mb.vu.lt
Contact me: MS Teams
Gives consultations on the following topics:
- Management and opening of research data
- Compiling a data management plan
- Uploading and publishing in MIDAS archive
eLABa system
Aurelija Striogienė
Scholarly Communication and Information Centre
Saulėtekio al. 5 (Block B, 2nd floor, Room 203)
Phone: +370 5 219 5061
Email: aurelija.striogiene@mb.vu.lt; if you have questations related to VU publications in eLABA please contact eLABa_tvarkytojas@mb.vu.lt
Contact me: MS Teams
Gives consultations on the following topics:
- Uploading of publications, doctoral dissertations and their abstracts in eLABa
- Correction of records in eLABa
Ieva Litvinavičienė
Scholarly Communication and Information Centre
Saulėtekio al. 5 (Block A, 4th floor, Room 412)
Phone: +370 5 219 5059
Email: ieva.litvinaviciene@mb.vu.lt;
Contact me: MS Teams
Gives consultations on the following topics:
- Compiling lists of publications written by individual members of VU community that are indexed in Web of Science and/or Scopus databases
- Scientometric analysis of the university’s divisions
- Scientometrics (indexing, citation indicator and quartiles, journal’s search tolls, Web of Science/Scopus, InCites)