
Start: 2021-09-28 12:00
End: 2021-12-30 11:00

On 15 September, Vilnius University Library has launched a five-part digital exhibition “Tales of Decorated Paper” on Google Arts & Culture, presenting the five earliest paper decoration techniques that were used for the decoration of endpapers and covers of books, furniture, instruments or even wallpaper. In our times such paper is made by only a few artisans, while examples of the paper made centuries ago by the old masters can be seen mostly only in museum and library collections. By opening its collections for the public, Vilnius University Library is inviting to explore how colourful, diverse, and rich these collections can be. 

A singular paper decoration technique and examples of such paper are presented every week. The part  “A Ripple, Captured. Marbled Paper” presents to viewers paper decoration technique, which has received the most attention both from the public and researchers.

Marbled paper is a paper decoration technique that is closely related to the Eastern cultures. Suminagashi paper decoration technique from Far East gradually spread towards the West and became very popular in Persian and Arab countries. Considerably changed there, it became a significant part of calligraphy art and illumination of manuscripts. At present marbling technique ebru is a national heritage of Turkey. 

Digital exhibition “Tales of Decorated Paper” in Lithuanian and English languages has been launched on Google Arts and Culture. The part “A Ripple, Captured. Marbled Paper” is available here>>

Other stories:

A Pacing Woodblock. Block-printed Paper 

A Swarm, Landed. Sprinkled Paper

A Soft Footprint. Paste Paper – 5 October

A Golden Garden. Brocade Paper – 12 October

More about the exhibition >>