Informational tour around ŠAIC
For children, schoolchildren, adults, and families
During the tour, you will get acquainted with the largest Lithuanian book Aukuras Salduvei (Altar for Salduvė), kept at Šiauliai Academy Information Centre. This giant book was designed by Vilius Puronas. The book is dedicated to the millennium of Lithuania.
You will also visit the Cents Room, whose installation used more than one hundred fifty thousand cents. On 24 February 2015, for the original idea and ingenious way of saying good-bye to the national currency, as well as in celebration of 16 February, President of the Republic of Lithuania awarded the creators of the room with a Lithuanian tricolour flag. You will also get to know the history of ŠA Information Centre and its building, reading rooms of Information Centre, its holdings, unique documents and objects kept in doctor of medicine, humanities and law, publisher of the first Lithuanian periodical Aušra and political figure Jonas Šliūpas’ archive. You will also have a possibility to try the most advanced technologies intended for visually impaired and dyslectics. Tours are given in Lithuanian, English and Russian languages. The tour lasts about an hour.
Cost of the tour in Lithuanian language per person (groups up to 25 persons) – €0.70; cost for children, schoolchildren, students, retirees, and disabled people (after presenting certificates) – €0.50.
Cost of the tour in English and Russian languages per person (groups up to 25 persons) –€1; cost for children, schoolchildren, students, retirees, and disabled people (after presenting certificates) – €0.80;
Short tour for groups
During the short tour you will get acquainted with the largest Lithuanian book Aukuras Salduvei (Altar for Salduvė), kept at Šiauliai Academy Information Centre, and visit the Cents Room.
Cost of the short tour per person for groups (with or without guided tour) –€0.50.
Contact: ŠA Information Centre, Vytauto str. 84
Phone: +370 41 595706
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