Information Desk
Universiteto g. 3 (1st floor)
Tel. (8 5) 268 7147
Attendants: Gražina Kisieliūtė, Audronė Karalienė, Diana Pateiko
Information Desk provides the following services: registration of new library users, administration of various payments, coupon printing as well as lending of headphones and memory card readers.
For payment purposes, the Information Desk is available from 9:00 to 21:00 on workdays and from 9:00 to 16:00 on Saturdays.
The White Hall
Universiteto g. 3 (4th floor)
Tel. (8 5) 268 7122, Opening hours
18 workplaces.
Wireless network.
Open stacks hold 2,101 items – linguistic thesauri, multilingual dictionaries and dedicated encyclopaedias.
VU community members may reserve a work place in the White Hall. Priority is given to VU doctorate students and lecturers.
The White Hall is situated in the former premises of the old Observatory. Here you may also find remaining exhibits of the old Observatory ( telescopes and other equipment as well as their descriptions). Thematic exhibitions are organized in the Hall, too.
History Sources Reading Room
Universiteto g. 3 (3rd floor)
Tel. (8 5) 268 7124, Opening hours
Attendants: Rita Gruodytė, Aida Jokimčiūtė
18 workspaces.
The open collection includes more than 15,000 publications related to historical sources, their research, and the study of history.
Only in this reading room can you read 19th-century publications and those published before 1945, ordered from the VU Library's storage.
Joachim Lelewel Hall
The hall stores publications documenting the biographical facts as well as scientific and creative activities of Joachim Lelewel. You may also find publications from the history of Vilnius University. All questions regarding publications should be addressed to the employee of Historical Sources Reading Room.
Czeslaw Milosz Reading Room
Universiteto g. 3 (1st floor)
Tel. (8 5) 268 7146, Opening hours
Attendants: Audronė Karalienė, Gražina Kisieliūtė, Diana Pateiko
3 informal study/leisure areas, 17 armchairs
Open stacks contain about 8,300 items of fiction. The core of the collection is awarded and classic literature in Lithuanian, English, German, French, Russian and Polish languages divided in prose, poetry, children fiction, ancient literature and fiction of lithuanian authors translated in foreign languages.
Philosophy Reading Room
Universiteto g. 3 (3rd floor)
Tel. (8 5) 268 7140, Opening hours
Attendants: Evelina Šarnienė, Aušrinė Nekrošienė
32 workplaces, 12 of them with computers;
Wireless network;
Open stacks include 40 000 items.
Publications may be ordered to the reading room from the repository. Books are delivered on working days from 09:00 to 18:00.
Other services provided in the reading room::
Document scanning for free. Possibility to work with SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences).
Open stacks include literature on educology, philosophy, psychology sociology, social work and medical studies.
Consult with a friendly librarian curating a specific research area or book a spot in information literacy training seminar.
Faculty of Philosophy - Andrej Vorona.
Philology Reading Room
Universiteto g. 3 (2nd floor)
Tel. (8 5) 268 7109, Opening hours
Attendants: Rita Gruodytė, Joana Bartkevičienė.
51 workplaces, among them 10 with computers.
Wireless network.
Open stacks include over 20 000 items.
Publications may be ordered to the reading room from the repository. Books are delivered on working days from 09:00 to 18:00.
Other services provided in the reading room:
Document scanning for free
Interlibrary loan services are available.
Open stacks contain literature related to philology in different languages: literature science, folklore, linguistics, general dictionaries, manuals, encyclopedias, periodical and „Library of German Publications“.
Consult with a friendly librarian curating a specific research area or book a spot in information literacy training seminar. Faculty of Philology - Povilas Višinskas.
Lithuanian Studies Reading Room
Universiteto g. 3 (3rd floor)
Tel. (8 5) 268 7132, Opening hours
Attendants: Aida Jokimčiūtė.
20 workplaces, 7 of them with computers.
Possibility to work with SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences).
Wireless network.
Open stacks include 10 000 items.
Lithuanian reading room contains research documents and books as well as periodicals on Lithuanian history, language, literature, geography, ethnography, religion, culture and art.
Publications may be ordered to the reading room from the repository. Books are delivered:
Working days 9:00 to 18:00
Open stacks include fiction in Lithuanian and foreign languages.
Professor Jurgis Lebedys Reading Room
Universiteto g. 3 (3rd floor)
Tel. (8 5) 268 7132
This room houses Professor Jurgis Lebedys’ private library, reference materials (reference books, indices) related to linguistic, literary and cultural research. All questions regarding publications should be addressed to the employee of Lithuanian Studies Reading Room.
Oriental Studies Reading Room
Universiteto g. 3 (4th–5th floor)
Tel. (8 5) 268 7157, Opening hours
17 workplaces, 6 of them with computers.
Oriental reading room consists of two separate reading rooms:
10 workplaces, 5 of them with computers.
Wireless network
Document scanning for free
Open stacks include 7 000 items.
Publications may be ordered to the reading room from the repository. Books are delivered on working days from 09:00 to 18:00
The Orientalistics reading room collection includes Research and studies in Asian languages, cultures, religions, philosophy, anthropology and art history releases, publications in original languages, fiction in foreign languages.
The Orientalistics reading room is established in the Library premises, that have not been used up to now. They are architecturally rather complicated however also most interesting and highest-situated part of the Library. This reading room is the most silent place in the library.
Consult with a friendly librarian curating a specific research area or book a spot in information literacy training seminar.
Faculty of Philosophy - Andrej Vorona.
Reading Room of Alfred Binder
Universiteto g. 3 (5th floor)
7 workplaces, 1 of them with computers.
Open stacks contain Alfred Binder‘s oriental collection.
Professors' Reading Room
Universiteto g. 3 (3rd floor)
Tel. (8 5) 268 7119, Opening hours
Attendants: Rita Jackevičienė, Daiva Mulvinaitė
76 workplaces, 5 of them with computers.
Wireless network.
Open stacks include 10600 items.
Publications may be ordered to the reading room from the repository. Books are delivered on working days from 09:00 to 18:00.
Other services in the reading room:
scanning for free
possibility to work with SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences).
VU doctorants and lecturers may reserve a workplace.
Open stacks include all scientific works published by VU, newest works of other Lithuanian scientific institutions, encyclopaedias and dictionaries, handbooks, summaries of dissertations defended in Lithuania.
Rare Books Reading Room
Universiteto g. 3 (2nd floor)
Tel. (8 5) 268 7200, Opening hours
10 workplaces.
Wireless network.
Rare document copying and digitization services are provided for a fee (see fee list).
Manuscripts Reading Room
Universiteto g. 3 (2nd floor)
Tel. (8 5) 268 7129, Opening hours
10 workplaces, among them 1 with computers.
Wireless network.
The main dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, books about Lithuania and foreign countries history, heraldry, archival, bibliography and card catalog in Lithuanian and foreign languages one can fond in open access.
Publications may be ordered to the reading room from the repository. Books are delivered:
Document scanning services are provided for a fee (see fee list).
Graphic Arts Cabinet
Universiteto g. 3 (2nd floor)
Tel. (8 5) 268 7197
Attendants: Viktorija Rybakova
Opening hours:
Monday-Thursday 9:00 – 17:00, Friday 9:00 – 15.45.
Opening hours may be changed before public holidays as well as on summer vacation.
Changes of opening hours are published in news section.
1 workplace.
Wireless network.
Graphic Arts Cabinet holds the old graphics (including the sixteenth-nineteenth century), contemporary Lithuanian artist’s graphics prints, book illustrations, drawings, sketches, posters. is Foreign artists works, collection of bookplates and books with authorship are stored in Graphic Arts Cabinet.
Copying or digitization of Graphic Arts Cabinet documents are provided for a fee (see fee list).