
Section 1: Organisation
1 Name of organisation issuing the policy Research Council of Lithuania
2 Identifier for the organisation -
3 Type of organisation Funder
4 Link to organisation
5 Country or region in which the organization is based ISO 3166-2:LT
Section 2: Policy
6 Link to policy on organisation's website
7 Link to policy in ROARMAP
8 Link to funder policy in SHERPA/JULIET -
9 Date the policy was issued 29/02/2016
10 Is the policy current or archived? Current
11 Policy start date 29/02/2016
12 To whom does the policy apply? Grant holders
Section 3A: Repository requirements – depositing items
13 Does the OA policy make explicit reference to depositing in a repository? Yes
14 Is depositing the item a requirement or a recommendation? Required
15 If there is a requirement to deposit the item, are exemptions allowed? Yes conditionally
16 Is depositing the item required for eligibility in research performance evaluation or assessment? Yes
17 What kinds of items does the policy cover? -
18 Which version of the item is to be deposited? Author's manuscript post-peer-review
19 Where to deposit? Any repository
20 Which repository? -
21 When to deposit? Immediately upon (or within x months of) date of acceptance
22 When to deposit if not covered by Field 21? -
Section 3B: Repository requirements – making items Open Access
23 Is making the deposited item OA a requirement or a recommendation? Required
24 When to make the deposited item OA? As early as possible
25 Maximum allowable publisher embargo length 12 months
26 If there is a requirement to make the deposited item OA, are exemptions allowed?

Yes conditionally (exemptions are allowed for data under a reasonable explanation and if: the data have been obtained not in the course of the project implementation, or the scientific publication was not based on original data, i.e. the data were not compiled and/or generated during the project; the data that have commercial value or can be used for industrial purposes may be exempted from the general principle of Open Access; Opening Access to the data would be incompatible with the confidentiality requirements; Opening Access to the data would contradict the requirements regarding the protection of personal data; Open Access to the data would prevent attaining the objectives of the project; there are other legitimate reasons not to open the data)

27 Is making the deposited item OA a condition for evaluation? -
28 What licence should be used for making the item OA? CC BY licence
Section 4: Open Access publishing requirements
29 Does the policy specify that the item is to be published OA through a publisher? No
30 Is OA publishing policy a requirement or a recommendation? Recommended
31 What kinds of items does the policy cover? Both conference proceedings and journal articles
32 Does the organisation fund any OA publication costs? Yes
33 Are there conditions on use of the organisation's OA publication funds? Prohibited from using for charges by hybrid journals
34 Other conditions on use of the organisation's OA publication funds Article processing charges (APC), book processing charges (BPC) as well as the expenses incurred in relation to publishing in Open Access journals or publishing Open Access books may be considered eligible expenses of the projects financed by the Council, and included in the budget of the project
35 Does an item have to be published OA through a publisher for eligibility in research performance evaluation or assessment? Yes
36 If there is a requirement to publish the item OA through a publisher, are exemptions allowed? Not specified
37 Licences CC BY licence
Section 5: Other
38 Are there any other policy conditions not covered above? Project implementers shall report on the compliance with the Guidelines and/or any legal or technical barriers preventing the implementation of the Guidelines in the interim and/or final reports of the projects, specifying the location of the scientific publications and/or the data in the repositories, the metadata, the embargo periods (if applied), and other related relevant information
Schematic summary of the policy was issued by an authoritative source in the organisation
  Name: Rūta Petrauskaitė