

VU Library’s list of subscribed databases was supplemented with a new electronic journal – JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), a peer-reviewed scientific video journal for biomedicine, natural and life sciences indexed in both Web of Science and PubMed databases. It provides more than 10,000 videos that present the processes of various lab experiments, research, and clinical procedures in a clear and concise manner. Each video is accompanied by additional content, e.g. articles.

The section JoVE Science Education is also openly accessible – it provides over 1,200 educational live-action and animated videos for students of various fields. Transcripts are provided, as well.

While JoVE journal is accessible in VU network, only registered users are provided with access anywhere. VU e-mail address is obligatory for registration.

More about JoVE can be found here.

More about all e-resources that VU library subscribes to can be found here.

If you have any questions, please address them to your subject librarian.


Submitted by Povilas Višinskas, 2020-08-31