In the eLABa repository, a change has been implemented that allows the author to enter the ORCID identification number (Open Researcher and Contributor iD) in user’s profile. Scientists and researchers who have ORCID iD can import iDs from the ORCID system via API by in the eLABa repository section "My Profile" („Mano profilis“).
ORCID iD is a persistent identifier that allows one to disambiguate authors of scholarly work and to better connect researchers to their research outputs such as papers, monographs, conference presentations, reviews, research data, patents, etc.
If you don't already have an ORCID iD, we invite you to create one and import it into the eLABa repository.
Instructions (in Lithuanian) for importing ORCID iD into eLABa can be found here>>
Information provided by Aurelija Striogienė