

Subject librarians give individual consultations or group training in Lithuanian and English on topics related to the search and use of information resources.

Offered topics for training:

1st topic. Scientific information search systems: virtual libraries, databases, institutional repositories, archives, Google Scholar. 

2nd topic. Multidisciplinary and specialised databases of scientific information, bibliographic databases, scientometric databases (Web od Science, Scopus). 

3rd topic. Scientific information search planning: defining a search question, choosing keywords, formulating a search query (Boolean and other logical search operators), analysis, selection, and storage of search results.  

4th topic. Ethical use of information: copyright, plagiarism, correct citation, generation of bibliographic references using information management tools Mendeley, Zotero. 

The topics are optional and can be combined or selected separately according to their relevance. The information literacy training classes can be designed for VU community members at different levels of experience, adapted to students (bachelor, master or doctoral) or academic staff.

For more detailed information please contact us by email or telephone (8 5) 268 7130.
