
Head of Division Varnauskienė Elona
Telephone: (370 5) 268 7123
Address: Universiteto str. 3, LT-01122 Vilnius
Operational areas:
  • register new Library users, update User Registration Database;
  • inform users about the services provided by the Library, consult them, and carry out enquiries and information requests;
  • accept payments for the paid services;
  • manage publications for reading rooms;
  • borrow items and monitor their due date;
  • borrow various items from Lithuanian and foreign libraries via interlibrary loan;
  • organize both, new acquisitions and thematic exhibitions;
  • supervise the usage of computers and office equipment;
  • support the development of the staff competencies and anticipate the needs for further development;
  • ensure that the reading rooms are maintained in a tidy and orderly way;
  • administer the usage of the reserved work spaces, premises and portable equipment;
  • supervise trainees and volunteers whose traineeship and work focus on the user service.

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