The Library will hold “Data Days 2024”. On this occasion, the research community will be offered online lecture on scientific research data managemen:
“Making Qualitative Data Reusable" (intended for researchers in social sciences).
Date: 27 November 2024, at 3 p.m.
The speaker: Dr. Ricarda Braukmann (DANS, the Dutch national centre of expertise and repository for research data)
The lecture will take place on MS Teams and will be in English.
Abstract: In this session, we focus on qualitative data and the steps researchers can take to make qualitative data more reusable. Ricarda Braukmann will present a guidebook which summarises the challenges of making qualitative data reusable and provides guidance on how reusability can be improved at all stages of the research data life cycle. The guidebook also includes a decision tree outlining different options for reuse to help researchers evaluate how reuse can be best achieved for their particular project. There will be time for questions and discussions after the presentation.
About the speaker: Dr. Ricarda Braukmann is Data Station Manager Social Sciences at DANS – the Dutch national centre of expertise and repository for research data. Her work focuses on the promotion of reusable data and Open Science practices. She is involved in (inter)national research infrastructure projects including the Consortium of European Social Sciences Data Archives (CESSDA) who support good Research Data Management practices in the social sciences domain.
More information: here