Computer Science: Information Systems journals ratings were made based on 2023 Journal Citation Reports data (WoS category – Computer Science, Information Systems):
Nr. | Title | ISSN |
Impact Factor |
Accessibility |
1. | IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials | 1553-877X | 34.4 | Subscribed |
2. |
1574-0137 |
13.3 | Subscribed | |
3. | Applied Computing and Informatics | 2634-1964 | 12.3 | Subscribed |
4. | IEEE Wireless Communications | 1536-1284 | 10.9 | Subscribed |
5. | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering | 1041-4347 | 8.9 | Subscribed |
6. | Journal of Strategic Information Systems | 0963-8687 | 8.7 | Subscribed |
7. | IEEE Transactions on Multimedia | 1520-9210 | 8.4 | Subscribed |
8. | Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval | 1554-0669 | 8.3 | - |
9. | Information & Management | 0378-7206 | .8.2 | Subscribed |
10. | IEEE Transactions of Things Journal | 2327-4662 | 8.2 | Subscribed |