As the Government of the Republic of Lithuania has lifted some quarantine restrictions, in response to the situation VU Library is also removing some restrictions that were imposed to stop spreading COVID-19 among library users. From 15 April, members of VU community that will register in advance will be allowed to study and work in the library’s reading rooms. External users will have possibility to work in Rare Books and Manuscripts reading rooms.
Those willing to study in SCIC, Central Library or faculty reading rooms have to register in advance in the provided online registration form by selecting the reading room, the date and the time slot of the visit*.
IMPORTANT: Only up to 2 users can work in a reading room at a time, therefore there could be some limits imposed on the duration of your visit.
Book borrowing is carried out in a non-contact way only by leaving borrowed items in the designated places. Requests must be placed only via Virtual Library.
- Log-in to Virtual Library and find books you need.
- After finding the needed book in Virtual Library, select Place a request.
It will take up to 3 days to carry out your request. You will be informed about the status of your request via e-mail. This can also be done by checking your personal account in Virtual Library. Requested books will be kept for 3 days after sending a notification about the completion of your request.
Book Return
You can return borrowed books only at the place where they were borrowed by using self-service facilities or in designated places. When returning books with self-service facilities, please observe safe (at least 2 metres) distance and the hygiene standards established during quarantine.
Please return the books that are not necessary for you any more as other users might need them. If you have no possibility to return borrowed books, please note that fines will not be incurred until the end of Spring semester and you will be able to return the books in the first week on the new academic year.
IMPORTANT: Reservations of individual or group work rooms will not be carried out. Copying and printing services will not be provided.
Please take notice of the following when visiting the Library:
- When in Library, please observe no less than a two-metre distance between yourself and other users of the Library.
- It is obligatory to wear face masks and/or other facial protective equipment in the premises of the Library the entire time.
- Users have to observe the hygiene standards and use disinfection stands. Next to book borrowing locations you will find a disinfection stand. We kindly ask to disinfect hands when you enter the Library. Please disinfect your Library work desk before and after using it.
- Please observe coughing and sneezing etiquette.
- Users experiencing the symptoms of upper respiratory tract diseases (fever, cough, difficulty of breathing and others) are not allowed in the Library.
If you have any questions, please contact . For a consultation on information resources for your research, you are welcome to contact your subject librarian.
*Time slots for reservation: CL and SCIC 9.00-14.00 and 15.00-20.00; Faculty of History 10.00-12.00 and 13.00-17.00; other faculties 9.00-12.00 and 13.00-17.00; ŠAIC I-IV 9.00-12.00 and 13.00-18.00, VI 10.00-12.00 and 13.00-15.00.
Article published: 2021 04 14
Last update: 2021 05 06 at 09:00